
Not all work is serious..My photographer caught some pics of me and the guys cutting up! I’ve met some of the funnest people since I’ve started shooting porn. You guys are the BEST to work with!            This is me totaling killing the mood. Dylan was COMPLETELY into it. Until I spit on his asshole! Then video didn’t catch it. So I got to do it again LOL!! Sorry Dylan Ok not really. I owed you that one! heh!!

I couldn’t get my shit together doing the Gangbang intro. The guys were laughing at me. I totaly spaced out. We were all cracking up!  Black Mamba even made up an inpression of me..Like HI….Welcome to my MOOOOVIE!! Lol

After the D.p with Tom O’rien and Dylan Now, I was asked so how did that feel? and I said “I don’t KNOW!!” Lol. I seriously have to work on my realionship with the camera Lol I feel like I am talking to a brick wall Lol
